An Information Systems Agility Model: A Systematic Literature Review and Double Case Study
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Purpose : This study addresses the challenge of effectively measuring Information Systems (IS) agility amid intricate methodologies. The objective is therefore to suggest and test an effective enough method to evaluate IS agility.
Design/ methodology : First, literature was reviewed through a systematic literature review using PRISMA guidelines to extract dimensions of IS agility. A matrix was built and empirically tested in 2 state-owned enterprises. To strengthen the contextualization of the matrix, a qualitative study of an admitted method of IS agility evaluation (5+1 software architecture model) was administered, and both results were compared.
Findings : The systematic literature review and analysis of the 10 main frameworks of IS agility evaluation concludes to the fact that available IS agility evaluation models are too complex for studies willing to analyze this variable among others. Hence the introduction of the IS agility matrix, offering a streamlined approach for IS agility assessment. The matrix evaluates flexibility and adaptability, and collaboration through evaluating the time an IS takes to adapt to new requirements and propagate the need and the changes to collaborators, providing actionable insights into agility levels.
Practical implications : The matrix is mainly addressed to researchers in IS agility. It serves as a simple yet effective benchmarking and ranking tool. This research fills a void in IS agility evaluation methods, offering a practical evaluation method.