To Assess Prakriti in Sandhigata Vata with Special Reference to Preventive Concept- A Statistical Review:

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Arati Ashok Nirmale


One of the most crucial ideas is prakriti, which is chosen at the moment of conception. The doshika constitution is established based on the dosha that was prevailing at the time of the union of sukra and sonita. It is an expression of bodily functions, manifested in an individual's morphology, physiology, and behavior. The phenotypic and genotypic constitutions are indicated by Prakriti. Prakriti comes in seven varieties: Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj, three for each dosha, three for the combination of two doshas (Dwandwaj), and one for all three doshas together (Samadoshaj). Because of the dosha's homeostatic state, samadoshaj is regarded as the best of these. Each prakriti has unique physical and mental traits that are entirely dependent on the dosha's involvement. Ayurveda includes all arthritic conditions in connection with asthi dhatu pradoshaj vikaraj. Since sandhigat vata osteoarthritis is by far the most prevalent type of arthritis, we can correlate it with ayurveda.It is a leading source of pain and disability in the elderly and is closely linked to aging. Pathologically, it can be described as a disorder of the synovial joints when inflammation is not a significant clinical feature and there is focal loss of articular hyaline cartilage with proliferation of new bone and remodeling of the joint shape.

Objective: To diagnose osteoarthritis based on the WOMAC score and sandhigata vata based on the diagnosis as stated in many classical texts. A validated Prakriti Performa will be used to evaluate Prakriti and to ascertain how Prakriti and osteoarthritis are related.

Materials and Methods: Regardless of gender or socioeconomic status, the subjects in CBPACS OPD and IPD will be chosen at random.  Patients with osteoarthritis who have been diagnosed will be chosen from the CBPACS Hospital's OPD and IPD.  The recruited subjects will get written consent and an information sheet explaining the study, and their participation will be requested. Following the patients' written assent, we will use the Performa, which is based on symptoms listed in several samhitas, to grade the presence of osteoarthritis and determine its severity. The WOMAC score will be used to determine the severity of the condition.

Results: Study shows satisfactory positive assessment between prakriti and sandhigata vata, i.e. osteoarthritis by using WOMAC SCALE and prakriti assessment proforma.

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