MHD Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer to Sisko Nanofluid Past A Nonlinear Stretching Sheet

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Mr. B. Suresh, Maddileti Pasupula


The main emphasis of current paper deals with the two dimensional steady heat and mass transfer mechanisms in a MHD siskonanofluid  flow over a nonlinear  stretching surface in the presence of convective boundary condition.  Flow problem is formulated by employing governing relations and equations are transformed into dimensionless form through the nonsimilar methodology. To achieve this study the suitable transformation is used to transform the partial differential equations to a system of ordinary differential equations together with boundary Conditions the resulting system of ordinary differential equations are solved using the well-known   Runge-Kutta technique along with shooting method.The temperature, velocity and concentration profiles of non-linear stretching sheet parameter s, high Biot number g, material parameter (A), Skin friction, local Nusselt number and local Sherwood number for various values of   M, Pr, Nb, Nt, Le are examined. Most of the real-world boundary  layer flow problems are nonsimilar, which is an innovative point of this article. So, here we discussed the nonsimilar analysis for the considered problem.

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