Rice Bran Methyl Ester Performance and Emission Analysis on Vcr Diesel Engine

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V. Chandra Kala, R. Aditya, Ratnala Prasad, G. Sridevi, Md. Ahasan


Global Warming and the energy crisis have increased the demand to search for alternatives to the presently used fossil fuels for transportation. In recent years, interest in biodiesel as a biodegradable, clean, and sustainable energy source has grown significantly worldwide. The new cycle advancements made it conceivable to deliver biodiesel from various vegetable oils practically identical in quality to that of fossil diesel energizers with added alluring benefits. Because of this, biodiesel production of Rice Bran oil by using the base-catalyzed Transesterification method is done and Rice Bran biodiesel is obtained. The obtained biodiesel’s properties are compared with diesel fuel. The work focuses on investigating Rice Bran Methyl Ester (RBME) Biodiesel on a Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) diesel engine at various Compression ratios of 15, 16, 17, 17.5, and 18. The performance characteristics like Brake Thermal Efficiency, Mechanical Efficiency, Brake Specific Energy Consumption, and emission characteristics like CO, HC, CO2, NOx, and Smoke Opacity readings were determined at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% Load conditions respectively. A comparison of various parameters has been made between diesel fuel and RBME characteristics

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