Performance Evaluation of Self-Compacting Concrete by Incorporating Iron Ore Tailings and Ggbs

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Lakshmi H. S., Shilpa D. N., Anil Kumar R., Shreyas K., Suhas Patil


Due to its comparatively large content of cement and fine aggregates, SCC has become remarkably expensive. Alternative materials for cement and fine aggregate are considered in order to achieve environmental sustainability as well as cost effectiveness. As a replacement for cement in concrete, according to the various studies it has been established that ground granulated blast furnace slag can be replaced with 5% of all cementitious materials. Hence, in this study 5% of ground granulated blast furnace slag is considered and Iron Ore Tailings as a replacement for fine aggregate content of 10% is considered. Since the iron ore tailings have very high-water absorption capacity than manufactured sand the study is continued by considering 1.5 % of superplasticizer content. The fresh properties of SCC such as slump flow, V- funnel and L- box test is checked according to IS code specification. The hardened properties such as compression strength test, Split-tensile strength test and Flexural- strength test was conducted. The results showed that as the SP dosage is increased the fresh behavior of SCC is improved up to certain dosage for each mix further addition leads to the segregation of concrete was observed. The optimum IOT content arrived at 10% replacement mix having 1.5% of SP dosage.

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