Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration Using the Thornthwaite Method: Case Study of Raichur District, Karnataka, India

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D. N. Shilpa, Anil Kumar R., Lakshmi H. S., Nunkesh Patil S., Malakappa Ganiger, Sidray M. Bagalkoti


This research delves into the use of the Thorn Thwaite method for estimating evapotranspiration, an extensively adopted empirical technique in hydrology and agriculture. By relying on temperature data, this method is especially useful in areas with limited meteorological information. The study investigates the theoretical foundation of the Thornthwaite method and evaluates its practical implementation across diverse geographic and climatic contexts. Additionally, it discusses the method’s advantages, limitations, and potential enhancements, emphasizing its importance in water resource management and agricultural planning. Through an extensive review of existing literature and case studies, this abstract offers insight into the effectiveness and dependability of the Thornthwaite method for estimating evapotranspiration, thereby contributing to the progress of hydrological modelling and resource management practices.

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