Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Life Style Modifications and Prevention of Lung Cancer among Supportive Staffs at Selected Hospitals.

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Mr. Rushikesh Babasaheb Gaikwad, Mrs. Swati Gorad


Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related death commonly in men. There are many causes for lung cancer like inhalation of carcinogenic pollutants by susceptible hosts. Out of all the risk factors, cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor in the development of lung cancer in men. Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both of the lungs. While normal cells reproduce and develop into healthy lung tissue, these abnormal cells reproduce faster and never grow into normal lung tissue. The cancer cells can spread from the tumor into the bloodstream or lymphatic system where they can spread to the organs. Cigarette smoking is by far the most important cause of lung cancer and the risk from smoking increases with the number of cigarettes smoked. The length of time spent smoking. Some occupational chemicals and air pollution like benzene, formaldehyde, and disease air pollution asbestos also an important cause of lung cancer. The research methodology adopted for the study employed a quantitative research approach. The investigator utilized a Pre experimental one-group pretest post-test research design, which was based on Imogene King's Goal Attainment theory. Effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding lifestyle modifications and prevention of lung cancer among supportive staffs at selected hospitals. A single group comprising 60 samples was selected using a non-probability convenient sampling technique. The samples were chosen based on specific inclusion criteria from the selected hospitals. The research tool comprised demographic data and a structured questionnaire designed to assess the knowledge of lifestyle modifications and prevention of lung cancer among supportive staffs at selected hospitals. Data collection took place between 20/02/2024 and 28 /02/2024. Prior to data collection, informed consent was obtained from all participants. Subsequently, a pretest was administered to the selected participants. A self-instructional module on lifestyle modifications and prevention of lung cancer was then conducted to enhance their knowledge. After a period of 7 days, a post-test was conducted to assess the post-intervention knowledge levels. The obtained findings were documented in accordance with the provided tool. The collected data were subjected to analysis using both descriptive and inferential statistics.

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