The Star Excursion Balance Test: A predictor of lower-extremity injury risk and a measure of an athlete's readiness to return to play
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Lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries are commonly predicted, prevented, and rehabilitated using dynamic balance as a criterion. Dynamic balance is used as a functional performance assessment to determine injury risk. An increased risk of injury has been associated to a lack of dynamic stability and a balance deficit. The star excursion balance test is a functional test utilized by sports scientists and physical therapists to assess the neuromuscular control that determines the athletes' dynamic balance. The star excursion balance test is a valid and reliable tool for assessing or predicting the risk of musculoskeletal injuries, lower leg muscle strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, co-contraction, passive stiffness of the lower limbs, and lumbopelvic stability. This review aimed to enlighten the need for and importance of the star excursion balance test in predicting the risk of injuries in the lower leg and assess improvements in dynamic balance following training for rehabilitation purposes and return to play after injury. A comprehensive search has been made to complete this review. Several factors have been identified as having an impact on the performance of the star excursion balance test. The present review provides an insight into sportspersons, coaches, fitness trainers, sports scientists, and physical therapists with useful information regarding the importance of functional testing (star excursion balance test) as a screening tool prior to participating in any sporting activities at any level to avoid the risks of lower leg injuries and can assist in the return-to-play decision-making process.