A Novel Hybrid High Level MLI Topology for Industrial and Agricultural Applications
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The Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are the primary source of energy because of reduction in fossil fuels day to day. The primary resource in all available non-conventional energy sources is solar energy. Solar energy is obtained normally from Photo Voltaic (PV) cells. In PV cells a photo diode is used which converts the sun irradiation into DC voltage, which is normally a low value, so this is not sufficient to run the electrical loads which are connected to the micro grids. To avoid this problem, a novel boost converter is needed to improve the voltage profile, but it has a problem of high ripple content in voltage profile, which is not preferable for giving as i/p to the Inverter. Normally inverter will take constant DC as an i/p and convert into Alternating Current (AC) voltage. To avoid the above-described ripple, connect problem of boost converter, a novel hybrid Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) DC -DC converter is presented in this paper along with a SPWM inverter circuit which finds its applications in micro grids. The topology of 31-level inverter has been analyzed with reduced number of switches also discussed in this paper. In traditional topologies a greater number of switches are required, and it can be decreased by planning the diverse topologies. The current distinctive topology is described and compared with the conventional configurations and the corresponding results are presented. With this it can be observed that the proposed topology gives the better outcomes. This can be utilized as a part of various micro grid inverter applications.