An Impact Analysis of Sanitation Practices on Children’s Health in Uttar Pradesh State in India

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Isha Sharma, Asheref Illiyan, Srinivasu Bathula


Sustainable Development Goals such as Nutrition (Goal 2) and Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6) have set the blueprint for attaining collective actions by all the nations and their linkage cannot be overlooked while fulfilling the agenda by 2030. This paper analyses the impact of sanitation practices on health indicators particularly stunting, wasting and underweight of under 5 aged children in India using the primary data collected for 600 individuals from four districts of Uttar Pradesh namely Agra, Kanpur, Ghaziabad and Meerut. Multi-stage quota sampling has been adopted to identify the representative sample for the study. The statistical tools involved are descriptive statistics, Shapiro Wilk Test of normality, z-scores and binary probit regression. The paper concludes that sanitation significantly impacts the health of children across area and education with rural and those with no formal education facing the disproportionate brunt. The paper suggests an integrated and holistic policy framework by invoking the role of concerned stakeholders in building sustainable toilets such as EcoSan which operates without water and possess potential to convert excreta into useful agricultural resources.

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