Decreased Levels of Serum IgE and Periostin, Length of Stay (LOS) in COPD Exacerbation Inpatients Following Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Early Short Wave Diathermy (SWD) Modality Therapy - A Quasi Experimental Trial

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Eka Pratiwi , Susanthy Djajalaksana , Tri Wahju Astuti , Aditya Sri Listyoko , Rahmad , Yunita Eka Wati


Early pulmonary rehabilitation is beneficial for patients hospitalized with COPD Exacerbation. It reduces the risk of re-hospitalizations and improves quality of life. This study aims to analyze the effectivity of pulmonary rehabilitation and modality therapy on reducing serum IgE, Periostin, and Length of Stay (LOS) of hospitalized COPD exacerbated patients, which has never been studied in Indonesia. Quasi-experimental design of COPD exacerbated patients was differentiated based on ROME Proposal. Hospitalized in Saiful Anwar and Lawang Hospital in 2023 with pre and post-test were done in each group with total 24 sample. Subjects were divided into three groups; first group was given standard therapy of COPD exacerbation, pulmonary rehabilitation therapy for the second and SWD for the third. There was a significant difference between the three groups (p=0.000), all variables having significant decrease level of level in the combined pulmonary rehabilitation and SWD modality therapy group. There was a strong positive correlation of Serum IgE and Periostin (r=0.856, p=0.000), moderate negative correlation of Serum IgE and LOS (r=-0.591, p=0.002), and moderate negative correlation of Periostin and LOS (r=-0.592, p=0.002). In conclusion, there was significant decrease of Serum IgE and Periostin in early combined pulmonary rehabilitation and SWD group, making it a non-pharmacological therapy option and recommended to reduce LOS in patients with COPD exacerbations.

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