Marma Chikitsa in Pain Management of Vataj Gridhrasi– Clinical Case Series

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NirmalaSonawane, Vikas Chauhan, SangeetaH Toshikhane , Mahesh Parappagoudra


Background: Gridhrasi is one such disorder which impair the movement of lower back and legs due to aggrevation of vata characterised by radiating pain from kati pradesh to pada sthana which clearly resembles with sciatica . The disease is one of the major problem through out the world leading to loss of national production resulting into economic loss even in developed countries .

Methods:Five patients were treated for Vataj Gridhrasi using the described technique.

We describe a novel massage approach and technique for relief of the pain in the treatment of VatajGridhrasi . Described are  planning, techniques and approach for managing pain inVataj Gridhrasi .

Results: Every patient displayed successful relief of their symptoms immediately following thenew marma massage .Symptomatic clinical assessment was carried out on patient and satisfactory outcomes found.

Conclusion: The aforementioned therapy gives symptomatic relief for the management of  VatajGridhrasi.

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