Influence of Student Interaction on Academic Performance Online Learning Student Mediated by Student Satisfaction and Moderated by Student Engagement

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I. Kadek Dwi Nuryana, Purwanto Purwanto, R. Rizal Isnanto


The aims of this research is to measure the influence of student interaction on academic performance mediated by student satisfaction and moderated by student engagement. This Quantitative research involving 200 respondents. All responders are 2023/2024 engineering students from Surabaya State of University. This study collected data using questionnaires. SmartPLS version 3.3 examined the research data utilizing SEM PLS analysis. According to this study, we conclouded that Student interaction have positive effect on academic perfomance, students who interact well during online learning tend to have good academic performance, while students who interact less in online learning tend not to achieve good academic performance.The next analysis result show that student engagement moderated the influence of student interaction on academic performance, student engagement strength the influence of student interaction on academic performance, Students who have good interactions during online learning and have high engagement with lectures tend to have high academic performance compared to students who interact well during online lectures but are less connected to the courses they are taking. The next analysisis show that stident satisfaction medating the indirect effect student interaction on academic performance, directly, student interaction can indeed influence academic performance, but if it is mediated by student satisfaction, the influence of student interaction on academic performance is greater, meaning that student interaction that can increase student satisfaction has a higher effect of increasing academic performance than student interaction that only running well without creating satisfaction in students.

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