Presenting a Model of Digital Transformation Based on Artificial Intelligence in Municipal Services and Improving Customer Satisfaction through the Development of Electronic Business Strategies (Case Study of Tehran Municipality)

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Mohammad Shokrollahi, Hamid Zahedi


Digital transformation in large organizations is possible through a complete study of customer experience, identifying needs and designing new banking services along with creating and developing a business ecosystem. In this research, an attempt has been made by using a mixed method through 200 questionnaires and in-depth interviews with 15 experts using the snowball sampling method of actors to provide a model of digital transformation based on artificial intelligence in municipal services and improve customer satisfaction through the development of business strategies. and electronic work (the study of Tehran municipality). In this research, data and information after determining the structural model by extracting in three stages by thematic analysis method (open coding, axial coding and selective coding) with Max Kyuda software (2018) It has been analyzed and finally, according to the interviews, the components of digital transformation of banking services and improvement of customer experience and satisfaction have been extracted. In this study. Eight main themes of the qualitative section: municipal technological management, municipal technological marketing, system and electronic quality of services, improving the quality of municipal technological services, technological software and hardware infrastructure, customer experience management, organizational culture and risk management were identified.

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