Analysis of Drinking Water Needs on the Availability of Krueng Buloh River Discharge in Lhokseumawe City

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Wesli, Muthmainnah, Nura Usrina, Burhanuddin


The objective of this study is to assess the accessibility of water from the Krueng Buloh River for fulfilling the potable water requirements of Lhokseumawe City. This study utilizes a quantitative research approach and leverages structural equation modeling (SEM) for analysis. The population and sample for this study consist of residents from the Blang Mangat, Muara Dua, Muara Satu, and Banda Sakti districts, spanning the years 2009 to 2019. The research findings indicate that the presence of water resources, particularly from the Krueng Buloh River, significantly contributes to fulfilling the clean water requirements of Lhokseumawe City. The analysis of water demand discharge emphasizes the significance of factors such as population growth and socio-economic conditions in affecting the overall water demand in the region. The Real Demand Survey (RDS) is undertaken to acquire insight into the daily water usage patterns and preferences of city inhabitants. This survey helps understand current water consumption trends and the expectations of consumers about clean drinking water services provided by local utility companies. While the Krueng Buloh River holds potential as a water source for the needs of Lhokseumawe City, it is crucial to implement efficient measures for managing the river in order to guarantee consistent access to clean water for the city's expanding population. This study highlights the significance of implementing integrated water resource management strategies to fulfill the water requirements of urban areas, specifically Lhokseumawe City, both presently and in the future.

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