Forecasting Laptop Sales Growth in Industries in India: An Analytical Approach

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Vakil Shriwastav, Umesh Kumar Gupta


The electronic market industry has indeed been a significant contributor to India's economy, not only in terms of GDP but also as a generator of employment and technological advancement. India has witnessed a steady growth in its electronic market, driven by a combination of factors like rising domestic demand, favourable government policies, and increased integration into the global market. The industry's development has certainly played a pivotal role in India's economic landscape. This study attempts how some purchasing parameter effects the growth of product so that the market gets best due to the lack of experimental data. With the development of information and communication technology, one of the recent methods to assist in technology, forecasting is text world data from various sources such as patents journals, and search awards. The information extracted from diverse sources can be implied in technology. Diffusion models, such as Bass model, where emerging technologies substitute older ones. The study uses Bass model and modified this model so that we can forecast the growth of next generation at Indian electronic market industry.

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