Frozen Shoulder in Ayurvedic Perspective and its Management with Special Reference to Avabahuka

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Adithyan M.D , Akshar Kulkarni , Mahesh M.P


Avabahuka is considerd as one of the vata vyadhis explained in all types of samhitas especially bruhat trayees. In ASHTANGA HRUDAYA it is explained in 15th chapter of nidana sthana and its treatment is explained in the 21st chapter of chikitsa sthana. By observing the signs and symptoms it can be corelate into the disease called frozen shoulder. A 53yearsold male patient came to the general opd of Parul institute of ayurveda with complaints of pain in both the shoulders and restricted range of movements of same associated with stiffness in shoulder. After thorough examination the case was diagnosed as AVABAHUKAM (Frozen shoulder). The patient was admitted and advised to take internal medications like Guggulu. tiktakam kashayam, Trayodasanga guggulu and advised for NASYA with Karpasasthyadi tailam followed by abhyanga and swedanam

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