Wind Study on Isolated High Rise Building: A Computational Fluid Dynamic Approach

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T . Ashrith , R. Sreenu


Wind analysis is a critical aspect of architectural design, ensuring the structural integrity and safety of buildings in diverse environmental conditions. In this study, we investigate the wind behaviour around a unique shaped building from five different angles, each with a 30-degree increment, utilizing the powerful computational fluid dynamics tool ANSYS. Our analysis focuses on understanding the pressure coefficients, and the resulting flow patterns. The results of this comprehensive wind analysis, conducted with ANSYS, reveal several key findings. First, the pressure coefficients vary significantly, indicating regions of high and low pressure on the building's facade. Furthermore, the flow patterns around the building show complicate interactions, suggesting that the formation of vortices and areas of low wind pressure can be challenging to predict. This complexity underscores the importance of a multi-angle approach to wind analysis, as well as the need for advanced simulation and modeling techniques, as embody by ANSYS, to accurately assess wind effects on such unconventional architectural designs. In conclusion, this study, performed using ANSYS software, provides valuable insights into the wind behavior around a unique shaped building, emphasizing the importance of considering multiple angles in the analysis to ensure a holistic understanding of wind-related challenges and opportunities in architectural design.

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